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As a researcher, you often need several legal instruments to comply with legalisation and policies. You also need to be able to demonstrate your compliance. On this page you find an overview of commonly used instruments.


Consortium agreement

In a consortium agreement, collaborating parties record how they will execute their joint project. You can also include clauses about the data in this document (see Data exchange agreement). IXA offers support in drawing up consortium agreements.

Non-disclosure agreement for students

Do you collect sensitive data, such as company data, during your research and are students collaborating with you on your project? Then it is recommended to let the students sign a non-disclosure agreement. Employees of UvA and AUAS are obliged to observe secrecy as a result of their collective labour agreement and therefore do not have to sign a non-disclosure agreement.

Personal data

Personal data is any information that can be traced directly or indirectly to a specific person, such as someone's name, occupation or age.

You can find more information on the collection and processing of personal data in the UvA and AUAS A-Z lists

Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)

When your research appears to involve a high privacy risk for the participants of your research project, you perform a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) beforehand. You assess whether there are indeed any risks and if yes, which ones.

More information for UvA and AUAS researchers on how to assess whether you need to perform a DPIA and how will appear soon in the AZ-lists for employees.

Processor agreement

You draw up a processor agreement when you ask a third party to process personal data for your research, for example to transcribe audio files or to deliver an instrument for online surveys. This third party solely carries out your requests and does not take any decisions about the data themselves.

Data exchange agreement

Sometimes you collaborate with other organisations or universities on a research project and you collectively decide how personal data will be collected, for what purpose and how they will be processed. In that case a data exchange agreement is required to establish who is responsible for what. If you process personal data, it needs to be clear whom a participant can contact with a remark or complaint.