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Managing research data efficiently requires planning: finding out what requirements you must satisfy and laying down how you are going to tackle the management of your data.

Data management plan

A data management plan (DMP) is a digital document in which you describe what data your are going to collect during your research project, how you will store and manage the data during the project, and what will happen to the data after the project has finished. 

How do you make a data management plan

There are various templates available for drawing up a data management plan. The filled-in template is then your data management plan. If you receive funding from NWO or ZonMw, or if your funder or institute does not provide a template, you can use the general UvA or AUAS template. The templates of UvA and HvA are available in Research Management Services (RMS).

UvA and AUAS policy

Central guidelines for research data management have been established at the University and HvA. In their policies, UvA and HvA are in line with what has been agreed in (inter)national collaborations.