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For support while using UvA/AUAS figshare a number of options are available.


We provide several manuals for UvA/AUAS figshare.

Data stewards

Each faculty has appointed one or more data stewards. They perform several admin tasks in the UvA/AUAS group(s) they are the data steward of:

  • handle researcher requests for more storage space;
  • manage items of researchers who have left UvA or AUAS; and
  • if applicable, approve items before publication (curation workflow).

If needed, data stewards are able to upload items to UvA/AUAS figshare for researchers and make one researcher’s items available to another. Data stewards will only do so upon request and with permission of the researcher involved.

The data stewards are also able to answer your questions on using UvA/AUAS figshare.

If you are not able to reach your own data steward, please contact RDM Support.


The administrators of UvA/AUAS figshare at UvA/AUAS Library have access to (the items in) all accounts in UvA/AUAS figshare. The data stewards have access to (the items in) all accounts of the researchers in their group(s). Both administrators and data stewards are bound by an obligation of confidentiality.